- Fleksibilitas tinggi
- résistansi cimata alus
- Kacida akurat
- Warna bodas alus teuing
Aplikasi idéal
- Sapatu
- Prototipe peryogi bahan sapertos karét
- Model tampilan bodas lemes

Pasipatan cair
Penampilan | Bodas | Dp | 13,5 mJ/cm2 | [paparan kritis] |
Viskositas | 560 cps@30 ℃ | Js | 0,125 mm | [slope of cure-depth vs. In (E) curve] |
Kapadetan | 1,1 g/cm3 | Ketebalan lapisan wangunan | 0,08-0,12 mm |
Sipat mékanis | UV Postcure | |
Teuas, Shore D | ASTM D 2240 | 72-78 |
Modulus lentur, Mpa | ASTM D 790 | 2.680-2.775 |
Kakuatan lentur, Mpa | ASTM D 790 | 65-75 |
modulus tegangan, MPa | ASTM D 638 | 2.170-2.385 |
Kakuatan tensile, MPa | ASTM D 638 | 25-30 |
Elongation dina putus | ASTM D 638 | 12 -20% |
Kakuatan dampak, notched lzod, J/m | ASTM D 256 | 58 - 70 |
Suhu defleksi panas, ℃ | ASTM D 648 @66PSI | 50-60 |
Transisi kaca, Tg | DMA, E"puncak | 55-70 |
Kapadetan, g/cm3 | 1.14-1.16 |
Suhu anu disarankeun pikeun ngolah sareng neundeun résin di luhur kedah 18 ℃ -25 ℃.
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