The global manufacturing landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, driven in large part by advances in 3D printing technology. Traditional manufacturing models often rely on extensive stoc...
The fashion industry is increasingly adopting 3D printing technology, offering designers innovative tools to create unique garments and accessories while also addressing sustainability concerns. Th...
An injection molding machine is used for injection molding with a metal mold, wherein said mould has a cavity comprising a cavity in the lower mould and an upper mould, wherein a channel is formed ...
Selective Laser Sintering 3D printing is a 3D printing technology based on a laser beam and powder, also known as SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) printing. In this technique, the laser beam sintere...
CNC post-processing refers to the final stage of the CNC machining process where the raw output—typically a machined part or component—is refined to meet specific design specifications and toleranc...
SLA is short for ‘Stereo lithography Appearance’, which stands for three-dimensional light-curing forming. A laser of a specific wavelength and intensity is focused on the surface of th...