Selective laser melting (SLM)is a comparatively newer 3D-printing technology and developed in 1995 by German scientists. Similar to SLA where UV laser is used, a high-powered laser beam is used in ...
eywords: Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Kings 3D, JSADD 3D, Formnext 2024, Resin 3D Printer, Pellet 3D Printer, Industrial Design
JASDD 3D cordially invites you to attend Formnext 2024, the w...
SLS Nylon and glass fiber are both excellent materials in their own right, and their composite materials combine their strengths. The strength and rigidity are much higher than those of unreinforce...
SLA is short for ‘Stereo lithography Appearance’, which stands for three-dimensional light-curing forming. A laser of a specific wavelength and intensity is focused on the surface of th...
Are SLA 3D printed parts and prototypes watertight? The answer is yes, they definitely are.
Stereolithography, often refered to as SLA, it works by focusing ultraviolet laser onto a vat of photo po...
There will be about 0. 05 ~ 0.1 mm interlayer step effect on the surface of the formed parts manufactured by the Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA), and it will affect the appearance and quality of ...