Vacuum casting, particularly from a service like JSADD 3D, offers several advantages for prototyping and small-scale production. Here are some key benefits:
1. “High Detail and Precision”: Vacuum c...
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is a prominent Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology used to create complex metal parts with high precision and mechanical properties. This article provides an overvi...
SLA is short for ‘Stereo lithography Appearance’, which stands for three-dimensional light-curing forming. A laser of a specific wavelength and intensity is focused on the surface of th...
Selective laser melting (SLM)is a comparatively newer 3D-printing technology and developed in 1995 by German scientists. Similar to SLA where UV laser is used, a high-powered laser beam is used in ...
As the two most common 3D printing processes, FDM and SLA printing are widely used in different industrial fields.
FDM is a 3D printing technology based on the principle of melt deposition, which u...
CNC post-processing refers to the final stage of the CNC machining process where the raw output—typically a machined part or component—is refined to meet specific design specifications and toleranc...