
  • What is SLA 3D printing service?

    What is SLA 3D printing service?

    Stereolithography (SLA or SL; also known as vat photopolymerisation, optical fabrication, photo-solidification, or resin printing is a form of 3D printing technology used ...
  • How does SLA 3d printing work?

    How does SLA 3d printing work?

    SLA technology, known as Stereo lithography Appearance, uses a laser to focus on the surface of a light-cured material, causing it to solidify sequentially from point to line and from line to surfa...
  • Why use SLA 3D printing?

    Why use SLA 3D printing?

    SLA 3D printing is the most common resin 3D printing process that has become vastly popular for its ability to produce high-accuracy, isotropic, and watertight prototypes ...
  • What is 3D printing?

    What is 3D printing?

    On August 31, Apple is said to be introducing 3D printing technology to produce steel chassis for smart watches. In addition, Apple plans to start 3D printing titanium dev...
  • What is the difference between FDM and SLA ?

    What is the difference between FDM and SLA ?

    As the two most common 3D printing processes, FDM and SLA printing are widely used in different industrial fields. FDM is a 3D printing technology based on the principle o...
  • What are the benefits of using an SLA 3D printer?

    What are the benefits of using an SLA 3D printer?

    If you want to use 3D printing technology for product prototyping, appearance verification, size and structure verification, SLA light curing 3D printers are a good choice...
  • What is the difference between SLA and SLS printing?

    What is the difference between SLA and SLS printing?

    With the gradual maturity of 3D printing technology, 3D printing has been widely used. But people often ask, "What's the difference between SLA technology and SLS technolo...
  • What is Vacuum Casting Service?

    What is Vacuum Casting Service?

    Introduction of Vacuum Casting Vacuum casting or silicon mould refers to the use of the original prototype, the production of silicone mould in a vacuum state, and the use...
  • Introduction to the Coloring Process of JSADD 3D

    Introduction to the Coloring Process of JSADD 3D

    The main process of 3d printing is: 3d modeling ,3d printing 3d printing post-processing As long as there are 3d printers in the 3d printing process, many people can do it, but the 3d printing post...
  • What is SLA 3D Printing Technology Service?

    What is SLA 3D Printing Technology Service?

    SLA is short for ‘Stereo lithography Appearance’, which stands for three-dimensional light-curing forming. A laser of a specific wavelength and intensity is focused on the surface of th...
  • How many steps are involved in customising a pair of 3D printed glasses?

    How many steps are involved in customising a pair of 3D printed glasses?

    People have five senses: “sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch” complement each other, and generally people have a more complete sense of things after integrating these five kinds of ...
  • Introduction to SLA 3D printing

    Introduction to SLA 3D printing

    1.Why choose SLA 3D printing? There are many reasons to use SLA printing. If your project requires fine features, smooth surface finishes, part accuracy and precision, isotropy, mechanical properti...